Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Whether you need to relax or re-energize yourself, stimulating the vagus nerve can help you feel calm and in control.

  • Humming: The vocal cords and inner ear are in close proximity to the vagus nerve. When you hum, the vibrations produced can have a calming effect on your nervous system. Choose your favorite tune and observe the sensations in your chest, throat, and head.
  • Conscious Breathing: Engaging in slow, conscious breathing is a rapid way to influence the state of our nervous system. The goal is to involve the belly and diaphragm in your breath and slow down the pace of your breathing. By reducing the breath rate from the typical 10-14 breaths per minute to 5-7 breaths per minute, you can stimulate the vagus nerve.
  • Valsalva Maneuver: This technique involves attempting to exhale against a closed airway. You can do this by closing your mouth and pinching your nose while trying to exhale. This action increases pressure within the chest cavity, leading to an elevation in vagal tone.
  • Diving Reflex: Regarded as an effective method to stimulate the vagus nerve, the diving reflex can be triggered by splashing cold water on your face from your lips to the line of your scalp. Alternatively, you can achieve a similar cooling effect by placing ice cubes in a zip-top bag and applying the ice against your face while briefly holding your breath. The diving reflex slows down the heart rate, improves blood flow to the brain, reduces anger, and induces relaxation in the body.